Nature Bird Collage 🕊

🕊⁠A nature bird collage! 🕊⁠

This nature focussed activity has two parts…you’ll first need to head off on an adventure walk to find lots of lovely nature treasures to use in your collage. Look closely at the forest floor to discover hidden treasures, collect them and then get ready to start the activity. Remember only to collect what you can find on the forest floor, don’t pick fresh flowers or pull leaves from the trees.

What you need:

  • Some recycled paper or card

  • Colouring pencils

  • Forest treasures including leaves, stones, bark, grass, twigs and sticks

  • PVA glue (optional)


  1. First you need to draw a picture or shape of the bird onto your paper or card

  2. Next take all of the lovely natural objects you collected from your adventure walk

  3. Then arrange them on top of you picture and you can even layer the natural materials too to create texture and to make the effect of the collage.

  4. When you have finished you can either glue your finished collage to the paper or take photos to print out so you can keep your art and enjoy it for longer. Or you can shake it all off and start again with a new collage!

Photocredit: Mummynatureandme


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