Natural Flower Crowns

This is a wonderful way to get creative in the outdoors and enjoy some of the beautiful Spring sunshine!

As we head into Spring, we can’t help but notice all of our favourite outdoor spaces coming to life with gorgeous Spring flowers. It takes me back to my childhood, where I would call upon nature to keep me entertained whilst enjoying family time in the park. Daisy chains were always my go-to activity, with the aim of making the longest chain possible without it breaking! Flower crowns have become increasingly popular with children and adults alike, and are the perfect activity for a pit-stop on an adventure walk. What a great way to spark creativity with your little one whilst exploring nature and also develop skills like knot-tying and flower identification! It’s also always so rewarding to be able to wear your creations for all to see when you continue on your adventure walk!

What you’ll need:

  • Plenty of long grass

  • Young cylindrical grass stems or stronger flat blades for knot tying (most younger flat blades will not be strong enough for this)

  • Commonly found wildflowers with stems attached (and permission to pick them!) Think daisies, dandelions, buttercups and elderflower.

  • A flat surface, ideally a picnic blanket, but a scarf or lap will work just as well!


  1. Lie a clump of long grass, about the width of a felt-tip pen, onto your flat surface and use a piece of cylindrical grass to tie a simple knot at both ends to hold it together.

  2. Take another clump of grass, and over lap the ends with your original. Use another piece of cylindrical grass to tie the two together, creating a long line.

  3. Continue this with further clumps until your long line is of a length where it can wrap comfortably around your little one’s head with some overlap.

  4. Holding one end of your long grass creation, slowly twist the other end, so that the entire piece is twisted.

  5. Measure it around your little ones head and using more cylindrical grass, secure with knots at the correct size for it to comfortably sit on their head without it falling off or being too tight that it will break.

  6. Now it’s time to get creative! Weave your chosen flowers into the crown. Poke the steam through once, wrap it around the crown and then back through the crown to secure.

  7. Wear your creations with pride! 

This activity is a wonderful way to get creative whilst outdoors, and relies entirely on nature, with no man-made items needed at all. Why not use it as a great excuse to get a little bit of shade on a sunny day, you can even add some gorgeous flowers from your own garden if you wish, to make your crowns even more magnificent and colourful! 

Happy Flower Weaving!

Photocredit: Lauren Edwards


Bubble Hydrangeas Art