It’s December!

Can you believe it's already December and before we know it, we'll be in the year 2022? I know many of us are guilty of constantly repeating the age old saying "where does the time go?" but it really is incredible how we're almost at the end of this year and that soon we'll be ticking into the next. I'm terrible and hear myself at least 3 times a week saying it to people but then this morning, I was thinking to myself but where does the time really go? Because I remember when I was child, that time certainly felt like it went more slowly. A day felt different and a year felt like such a long time and Christmas was always welcomed warmly as though it had been away for so much longer than a year. But as soon as I became an adult, it was as if I was upgraded to the adult version of time, as if a different clock applied altogether but the new clock seems to tick faster and faster. Even now it amazes me that the weeks can fly by so quickly and that in a blink of an eye I seem to have semi-grown up children and I find myself wondering where the years have gone and why it feels this way. Perhaps it's the childlike wonder of our youth that played with our concept of time. Or maybe there is a more scientific reason for this feeling of experiencing time differently at different ages. After a very quick mid-blog google search on that very question, I was presented with the concept of "Clock time" and "Mind time" over a lifetime. According to Google (further digging will ensue when time allows), the effect is due to saccadic eye movement. When you're young and experiencing lots of new stimuli, everything is new, so time seems to be passing more slowly. But as you get older, the production of new mental images slows down, giving the sense that time passes more rapidly. Interesting and I suppose it does offer one explanation. But whatever our individual concept of time, one thing I think we can all agree on, is that this time of year is always a great reminder to take the time to relax, have fun and enjoy good food and good times with our family and friends. It's been another challenging year for so many of us and I for one, am really looking forward to slowing down. Christmas time for me means spending time with my family, playing quiz games, watching old Christmas movies (Home Alone is still a firm favourite in our house!), taking long walks together in the cold air and cooking delicious food to enjoy. Whatever your plans are this year, I hope you have a wonderful time filled with happiness, family and warmth. For those of you who love to get busy cooking and want to try something new in the kitchen over the holidays, then do check out our newly added recipes.

We hope you have a wonderful festive break!


Editor of Little Forest Folk Life


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