Book recommendations for 2-3 year olds

One of our favourite things to do on a sunny day, a rainy day and quite frankly every day is to find a little cosy spot and a good story book. Stories are magical for children (and adults) and delving into another world for a short time sparks the imagination and expands our knowledge and vocabulary. Books are learning opportunities for children and although some of our favourite books are adventure packed and help to expand the imagination, other favourites are tales that are familiar to children and provide a learning opportunity related to their stage of development.

These are some of our favourite books for 2-3 year olds, as voted for by the teams in the Little Forest Folk nurseries, drum roll please….

Supertato by Paul Linnet and Sue Hendra

The Supertato books are funny adventure stories, packed with bright and colourful illustrations and children really do delight in the silly-ness of these books.

Winnie the witch by Valerie Thomas

An all time favourite, there are now 19 books in the Winnie the Witch series! But the original is still a favourite for children, it’s funny and the illustrations are clever and conversation building.

Fred gets dressed by Peter Brown

We find this is a really good book when children are learning to get dressed by themselves, it has cheeky illustrations and a familiar story line that children love to read again and again.

Little red and the very hungry lion by Alex T. Smith

A classic fairy tale with a twist, full of jungle animals and a ‘sassy’ female main character that we adore.

I am Angry by Michael Rosen

A perfect book for little ones to help to explore emotions. I am angry is a rhyming tale all about the overwhelming emotion anger brings and reassuring readers that it doesn’t last forever.

The lion inside by Rachel Bright

This book is one of our favourite story books with a lovely message. Helping to build confidence in little ones and coming to accept yourself as you are.

Shh! We have a plan by Chris Haughton

This is a funny book with easy repetition for children to join in with. It’s simple, very fun and well illustrated, it’s fantastic for little ones early language learning.

We hope you enjoy these recommendations, happy reading!


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